Engineering & Design
For any of the services listed – air conditioning, heating, electrics, plumbing, etc – we can design and install a system that best suits your requirements.
Design is a crucial skill that is often overlooked. It is not simply about having the technical ability to install systems, but often installations can be very complex with all sorts of obstacles that need to be addressed and overcome. That is when a really good design is required before any installing even begins.
Our direct, end-user clients are pleased to know that our studies and recommendations are not only carried out with the same commitment to quality and service as always, but is also backed by the qualifications of a qualified and experienced technical engineer.
Likewise, our professional customers – such as architects, project managers, constructors – are delighted that we can offer them guidance and solutions, including the full carrying out and legalising of industrial installations.
To us, the adding of this service was the next logical service addition to be able to complete the line-up of building services that we offer.